
Grading System in Belize

Belize 黑料正能量 calculator

Grading scales:

Most Common

Grade Scale US Grade
A 95.00 - 100.00 A
A- 90.00 - 94.99 A-
B+ 85.00 - 89.99 B+
B 80.00 - 84.99 B
B- 75.00 - 79.99 B-
C+ 70.00 - 74.99 C+
C 65.00 - 69.99 C
C- 60.00 - 64.99 C-
D+ 55.00 - 59.99 D+
D 50.00 - 54.99 D
F 0.00 - 49.99 F

Caribbean Examinations Council until June 1998

Grade Grade Description US Grade Notes
I Outstanding A Comprehensive working knowledge of the syllabus
II Good B Working knowledge of most aspects of the syllabus
III Fairly Good C Working knowledge of some aspects of the syllabus
IV Moderate D Limited knowledge of a few aspects of the syllabus
V Poor F Insufficient evidence on which to base a judgment

Caribbean Examinations Council after June 1998

Grade Grade Description US Grade Notes
I A A Candidate shows a comprehensive grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
II B B Candidate shows a good grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
III С C Candidate shows a fairly good grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and abilities required by the syllabus.
IV D D Candidate shows a moderate grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
V E D Candidate shows a limited grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.
VI F F Candidate shows a very limited grasp of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and competencies required by the syllabus.

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)

Grade Grade Description US Grade
I A A+

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Scale US Grade
6.00 - 7.00 A
5.00 - 5.99 B
4.00 - 4.99 C
3.00 - 3.99 D
1.00 - 2.99 F
0.00 - 0.99 F

Central America Health Sciences University, Belize Medical College

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
H 90.00 - 100.00 Honor A
P 75.00 - 89.00 Pass B
F 0.00 - 74.99 Fail F

Corozal Community College

Grade Scale US Grade
A 90.00 - 100.00 A
B+ 85.00 - 89.99 B+
B 80.00 - 84.99 B
C+ 75.00 - 79.99 C+
C 70.00 - 74.99 C
D+ 65.00 - 69.99 D+
D 60.00 - 64.99 D
E 50.00 - 59.99 D-
F 0.00 - 49.99 F

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