Education System in Liberia

Primary Education

Education continues to be the victim in war-ravaged Liberia, with what facilities there are, found mainly in the state capital Monrovia. State schools are poorly operated and private school fees beyond the reach of the nation’s poor.

Those who do attend kindergartens learn to identify letters and read a little. Thereafter they go on to primary school for 6 years where they follow courses in arithmetic and general science, and sometimes also english and bible studies too.

Middle Education

Junior high schools are found mainly in Monrovia, and at isolated missions in the countryside. All are controlled by the ministry of education that prescribes algebra, chemistry, geography, geometry and physical science as the curriculum. At the end of this period they sit for their west african examinations.

Secondary Education

Senior high school completes their school education. Here, students study more advanced levels of junior high school subjects and prepare for university. As 98% of these schools are in the capital city of Monrovia, it becomes clear that the system is designed around the needs of the nation’s already-haves.

Vocational Education

Liberian vocational training is little more than a joke in bad taste, with the exception of efforts by unicef and others. Many young people’s futures were mercilessly ravaged in sectarian violence through recent years. If they get a job at all (especially in the rural areas) then they are grateful just to be told what to do.

Tertiary Education

Liberia EducationTertiary education has also suffered in the past two decades. The core institutions are the University of Liberia (founded as a College in 1863), Cuttington University and Harper Technical College, with contributions also being made by several other private religious institutions.

The University of Liberia illustrated here offers graduate courses in education and administration, while Cuttington University adds public health and business administration.

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