Primary Education
In Yugoslavia, education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 7 to 15. The first 8 years of these are spent at primary school. At the end of this period they must pass a national examination before entering secondary. school.
Secondary Education
During four years at secondary school students aged 15 to 19 choose to enrol at either grammar, vocational or art schools. Grammar schools provide opportunities to pursue social studies and science, and prepare those pupils who pass their
Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi for tertiary education. At Art Schools students opt for courses in music, ballet and art instead.
Vocational Education
Vocational education begins at the third option, secondary vocational school. Here students have further choices in the form of practical training to acquire a job, or technical education that prepares them for further study. The former takes just the first 2 years, the latter takes all 4. Following that there are also many other opportunities to learn further vocational skills at colleges.
Tertiary Education

Tertiary education institutions in Yugoslavia include university faculties and art academies, and non-university post-secondary schools with courses up to 3 years long. By contrast, undergraduate university programs last between 4 and 6 years.
The University of Belgrade was founded initially as a high school in 1808. Is has over 90,000 students, 4,200 teaching staff and 31 faculties clustered in 5 academic groupings. It has produced many 100,000's of students over the years and enjoys a good international reputation.